The gift of Frederick W. Schumacher (b. September 13, 1863 – d. June 4, 1957) Dedicated Sunday November 5th, 1933
Woven in 1575 by Franz Geubels (1540-1590), Brussels, after the cartoons of Raphael. Photo Credit: Peter John Gates, London, England 1989

Brussels Tapestries Woven in 1575 Given First Congregational
The Columbus Evening Dispatch November 10, 1933; page 8
To Brussels tapestries woven in 1575 by Franz Geubels have been presented to the First Congregational Church by Frederick W. Schumacher, 750 E. Broad Street, art collector, and will be formally accepted by Dr. M. H. Lichliter for the church Sunday morning, November 12, 1933.
The tapestries, representing themes from Genesis, are hung in the east and west transepts of the church. The theme of the tapestry in the west transept is taken from Genesis 23, the story of Abraham‘s purchase of the cave of Machpelah from Ephron the son of Zohar. Abraham is seen paying the purchase money into the hands of Ephron, and at the left, one sees the cave, the burial place of Sarah near the oak of Mamre .
The story of the tapestry in the east transept is derived from Genesis 24. Abraham is sending his trusted servant to find a wife for Isaac. The servant kneels, swearing his oath of fealty, in the oriental manor, his hand under Abraham’s thigh. Isaac stands behind his father – eager to be on his way. At the left we see the camels ready for the eventful journey.

Geubels, the weaver, was one of the most prominent tapissiers of Brussels. His monogram is in the lower right-hand corner of the two works.
The tapestry, for a number of years, were in the palace of Baron von Tuchers, former German ambassador to Rome, Paris and Vienna.
Mr. Schumacher, widely known as an art collector, had been attempting to secure the tapestries for three years before he was finally successful. His transactions for them were completed during his recent visit to Munich.
More info on Dr. F. W. Schumacher

Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images:
The Dresden Tapestries and their Impact
Testament in Tapestry Lecture Series 3
October 2, 2:00–3:00 PM
In-person at CMA & Online
Speaker: The Most Rev. Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, Roman Catholic Diocese of Columbus reflecting on Jesus’ Choosing Peter to lead the church
Join Columbus Museum of Art and First Congregational Church as we bring together religious leaders from around Columbus to reflect on the themes found in CMA’s latest exhibition, Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images: The Dresden Tapestries and their Impact as well as the Brussels Tapestries located at First Church. This series will explore how stories of faith, found in the Dresden and Brussels tapestries, handed down through the centuries connects to our lives today. Come together to gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual context in which the tapestries were created, and how that spirit is still vibrant and relevant.
Tickets are $10 per person, $5 for CMA members, and include same-day admission to the Raphael exhibition at Columbus Museum of Art. The virtual option is free and does not include admission.
The Raphael exhibition at Columbus Museum of Art runs through January 8th, 2023.
Testament in Tapestry Lecture Series 4
October 13, 7:00–8:00 PM
In-person at CMA & Online
Speaker: Pastor Julia Pickerill, Senior Pastor, Vineyard Christian Church, Columbus, Ohio
Join Columbus Museum of Art and First Congregational Church as we bring together religious leaders from around Columbus to reflect on the themes found in CMA’s latest exhibition, Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images: The Dresden Tapestries and their Impact as well as the Brussels Tapestries located at First Church. This series will explore how stories of faith, found in the Dresden and Brussels tapestries, handed down through the centuries connects to our lives today. Come together to gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual context in which the tapestries were created, and how that spirit is still vibrant and relevant.
Tickets are $10 per person, $5 for CMA members, and include same-day admission to the Raphael exhibition at Columbus Museum of Art. The virtual option is free and does not include admission.
Special Edition Art Book Club
Stephanie Storey, Raphael, Painter in Rome
October 20, 7:00–8:00 PM
In-person at CMA & Online
Join historical novelist and national television producer Stephanie Storey for a live, in-person discussion of her book Raphael, Painter in Rome: A Novel. In conjunction with the Dresden tapestry exhibition Raphael—The Power of Renaissance Images, Storey will highlight the stories behind Raphael’s famed cartoons (large paintings) from which the famous tapestries were woven, and will discuss the life and personality of the legendary artist.
In-person tickets are free for Members, $5 Non-Members.