Designed by Francis Deck, built by Emil Frei Studios, St. Louis, Missouri
Honoring service to God by the families of Mary and Preston Davis & Elizabeth & Herbert CookTHE SECOND DAY
Given to the Glory of God and in memory of Edward Harlan WilsonTHE THIRD DAY
Given in celebration of the life of Christ and in memory of
Edward Harlen WilsonTHE FOURTH DAY
The gift of Jean Cravers in memory of the family of Amasa Pratt (she lived for 50 years with various members of the family)THE FIFTH DAY
Given in memory of Edward Johe by his family and friendsTHE SIXTH DAY
Given by Harry & Martha Chambers in memory of parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. ChambersTHE SEVENTH DAY
Given in memory of
Andrew, Carrie & Lucetta Gearhart & John, Ben & Horace GurleyTHE FALL
Given in loving remembrance of Arthur Marion Kemery & Manda Viona Kemery by their daughter, Hilda Kemery Herbst & her children, William Charles Heer & Barbara Heer Reed