Concert Patrons

Concerts at First Church is supported entirely by the generosity of our patrons. For 51 years we’ve offered programs that feature the outstanding instruments, choirs and talent of First Church and from exceptional musicians from around the world. Please consider joining us in our mission to foster both musical variety and excellence in Central Ohio.

Gabriel ($1,000+)
Leigh Briggs
Todd, Catherine, and Aran Cunningham
Thomas Gerke
Gail Johannes
Kevin Jones and Joseph Bellissimo
Marti and Rob Rideout
Allen Baker and Al Waddell
Drew and Lissa Wade

Archangel ($500-$999)
Barbara Clapham
Jeff and Emily Corzine
Ruth K. Decker
Mary Day Fewlass
The Rev. and Mrs. Earl and
Pauline Fritz
Sarah E. Giffen
Mary Jane John
Jefferson and Kathryn
William R. Mitchell, MD
David A. Ringer
Lisa and John Schechter
Philip and Candace Schneider
Jan Wade
Lynn Wallich
Marty and Gerry Worth

Seraph ($250-$499)
Stanford and Jane Ackley
Gretchen Atkinson
Marti Baumer
Nancy Gilson Braverman
Bert and Bev Cook
Cindy and John Deliman
Marcia Essig
William Davis and Ronald Jenkins
Carol and Jim Gallagher
Jim Gieseke and Deb Fox
Al and Barbara Glover
Cynthia Krause
Nancy Livingston
Dennis and Joan Lombardi
Sandra and Joel Mathias
Muller Pipe Organ Company
Carolyn Patterson
Sheldon and Rebecca Taft
Amy and Bill Wagner
In memory of Dr. Amos White
and Dorothy Cromartie
Anne Jeffrey Wright

Cherub ($100-$249)
The Rev. Dr. Tim Ahrens and Susan Sitler
Deborah M. Anderson
In memory of Helen Bakes
G. Dene Barnard
Carol Ann Bradley
Susan Vining Brooks
Bobby Carrington
Sue and Frank Cook
Jhan and Joan Corzine
Kevin Cubick
Carol Ernst-King
Sharon Ferguson
Francille and John Firebaugh
Melva Fisher
Mark and Shelley Gallant
The Rev. Mary Ann Goetz
Leslie Huntington
Erin and Barth Kallmerten
David and Rose Kandel
Michael Kasler
Sam and Jean Lebold
Patricia Liebchen
David and Betty Meil
Mark and Susan Meuser
The Rev. Laurence E. Miller Jr.
Janet Brownlee Miller
Robert Moreen
Carolyn M. Moore
James and Carol Myers
In memory of Amalie K. Nelson Todd and Nyla Phillips
Rick Sayre
In memory of Dana Navin Schultz
by Hugh Schultz
Lisa Morris and Kent Shimeall
Judy Smith
Hilary Stai
Gleva Stephens
Matthew Stevens and James Velo Elaine Warren
In memory of Henry and Helen Wilson

Angel ($50-$99)
Gene and Sue Babb
John G. Bachman
Lyle and Meg Barkhymer
Gene E. Beard
Nancy Burba
Chessie Dellenbach
Larry Dixon
David Fontana
Dawn George
Lora Gisondi
James Kyle
S.J. Lasure
Jerry L. Meyer
Virginia O’Neill
Rita and Michael Preston
Jane Pribble
Nancy E. Renneckar
Daniel E. Schleppi
Andy and Geoff Smith-VerHage
G. West

Friend ($1-$49)
Peter Anderson and Kathleen Sandman
Ron and Beth Kenreich

2021- 2022 Patrons List. If anything is in error, please accept our apologies. To correct any errors or omissions, please contact Amy Wagner (awagner@ right away.