New Jerusalem is the window on the right in the photo above.
Photo credit above: Jeff McCutcheon
Photo credit below: Peter John Gates, London, England
Given in memory of Susan DeWitt Minus by her family. (Susan DeWitt Minus was just 14 years old when she died. Read her obituary here) Her father’s obituary, Dr. Paul Minus, can be found by clicking here. The Minus family was inspired by windows designed by Gabriel Loire they had seen in a cathedral when visiting England. He was commissioned to design and create these stunning windows for First Congregational Church.
Designed by Gabriel Loire, built by Jacque Lorie Vitraux, Chartres, France

Photo Credit: Peter John Gates
(Reading from the bottom of the window up) This represents the reward offered to the souls of the just. It implies: (bottom right) joyful nature; the lily; the trees with branches adorned with precious stones and bearing golden and silver fruits; (bottom left) the birds singing the joy of new life (red and white birds); (top right) the river of living water radiating sunshine, springing up from the supreme throne which dominates the walls of the glorious city of Heavenly Jerusalem with the evocation of the golden sword of fire of the cherub who guards the (top left) door and God at the center of His glory radiating (a red triangle representing the Trinity) the Omega, the fulfillment of creation and celestial joy continuing forever, emanating from the guardian of the gate of Eden.
The internationally renowned French stained glass artist Gabriel Loire (1904-1996) of Chartres, took his inspiration from the book of Revelation to create this window.